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## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Domanco E-Learning
## Skin
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### Label
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## Media
### Subtitle
panorama_DF85A012_D6E7_8B38_41D0_C007489E0EA0.subtitle = Control Panel door 1 (closed)
panorama_DF85C3A9_D6E7_8D68_41D9_0313499CF285.subtitle = Control Panel door 1 (opened)
panorama_DF8778BC_D6E7_BB68_41C4_30CCE06591DB.subtitle = Control Panel door 2 (closed)
panorama_DFBA2C5C_D6E7_BB28_41DE_FD59EAB06D99.subtitle = Control Panel door 2 (opened)
### Title
album_2CCB7C95_32BF_1FBF_41BB_2AFD41CC4A8C.label = Photo Album L6 - E7
panorama_DF854DA3_D6E7_7518_41A6_8D91C2059B6D.label = Plastic Blow Molding Machine (PBMM)
panorama_DF857616_D6E7_7738_41CD_AF75707A5A88.label = Grinding Room
panorama_DF85874D_D6E7_9528_41BD_998077702B3C.label = Peeling System
panorama_DF8589DA_D6E7_7D28_41E9_A6917AF10EF5.label = Pressure Gauge / Roasting Room
panorama_DF85925E_D6E7_8F29_41B8_7630131C3474.label = Tahini Jar Filling Machine Hopper
panorama_DF859EA9_D6E7_9768_41E4_FED86E80E0C4.label = Screw Conveyor
panorama_DF85A012_D6E7_8B38_41D0_C007489E0EA0.label = Electric Board
panorama_DF85AAF3_D6E7_9CF8_41DE_A8C94E56C9A8.label = Air Dryer
panorama_DF85C3A9_D6E7_8D68_41D9_0313499CF285.label = Electric Board
panorama_DF8778BC_D6E7_BB68_41C4_30CCE06591DB.label = Electric Board
panorama_DFBA2C5C_D6E7_BB28_41DE_FD59EAB06D99.label = Electric Board
## Action
### URL
PopupWebFrameBehaviour_56079245_466C_356A_41CC_435DF065FDF7.url = https://ovrlebanon.com
## E-Learning
### Answer
questionOption_108569E9_3255_3997_41C0_A3EF67C38015.text = Decreasing the temperature and pressure settings could help get the finished product unstuck.
questionOption_109152C4_3255_0B9D_41AB_40C7927F393F.text = Increasing the size of the mold draft or redesigning the mold to have a better finishing could prevent this from happening.
questionOption_10A55546_3255_0E9D_41B8_2AB516307F5A.text = Make sure that the material has been dried properly before loading it into the hopper of the machine.
questionOption_10AB2BAE_3252_F9ED_41C8_78768A054E17.text = Programming
questionOption_10BDFDB4_3252_F9FD_418F_E73D5D1E1F80.text = Electrotechnique
questionOption_10BF077D_3255_096F_41C2_7BFD522A8D24.text = Redesigning of the nozzle also would help to make sure contaminants do not enter the mould easily.
questionOption_10C461A1_3253_0997_41B3_9BA9E2ADB9BE.text = None of the above
questionOption_10C85F83_3252_F99B_4192_0F8051F732E7.text = Maintenance
questionOption_116C99EE_3257_196D_41C6_59240C5886F8.text = It is cheaper
questionOption_117B8B5E_3257_1AAD_4186_80FCEBA8E207.text = It is the hardest metal
questionOption_125B5812_325D_06B5_41C1_F80C4B5690E5.text = Remove it to a place where no one can touch it
questionOption_1266CA9F_325D_FBAB_419C_D4C30722F78E.text = Put tape over the top so no one gets electrocuted.
questionOption_127EBCA4_325D_FF9D_41C2_583242C694E3.text = Install it in a plastic or metal enclosure and fix it correctly
questionOption_128EE29F_3253_0BAB_41C7_EF2D75F0BE94.text = They have a longer life cycle
questionOption_13C077B3_325F_09FB_41B9_8E70409662AD.text = The leveling sensors needs adjusting
questionOption_13D03921_325F_0696_41C8_1EED91912E8F.text = The conveyor belt needs maintenance
questionOption_13EA4A97_325F_1BBB_41C0_93BE079C78A8.text = The bottles are not of the same size
questionOption_13FE4DBF_325F_19EB_41C8_86E63F11B128.text = The filling heads are blocked and are spraying the tahini
questionOption_16572BE1_3253_1996_4191_D49B64AD3221.text = One way to rectify jetting in plastic components is to reduce the injection pressure. This will prevent squiring of the molten material into the mold.
questionOption_16640ED9_3253_1BB7_41BD_C8A805FADEFC.text = The injection speed and pressure can be increased to ensure that there is no premature cooling inside the mould.
questionOption_1675309F_3253_07AA_41C3_7EF88251FFAA.text = The temperature of the mold and material can be increased so that the jet stream does not solidify faster than the rest of the material.
questionOption_20AD2F47_31B6_FA9B_41B8_89F210DE0B91.text = High Machine Interface
questionOption_20B0DD09_31B7_3E97_41AA_0917F2A971C7.text = Both
questionOption_20D19A1A_31B7_1AB5_41B2_694AC9DED857.text = Human Multimedia Interface
questionOption_2100B566_31B7_0E9D_41B6_90E76A30BFFC.text = High Multimedia Interface
questionOption_21038C63_31B6_FE9B_41C7_65419BACE9AE.text = NC (Normally Close)
questionOption_21514558_31B7_0EB5_418E_A0A0A102CED8.text = Human-Machine Interface
questionOption_216DBEBA_31B5_1BF5_41C4_939B2BDF7F43.text = NO (Normally Open)
questionOption_24039DBE_325D_19ED_41BE_3A41861E7885.text = In a PLC: a temperature sensor will be connected to the digital input and the status of the breaker will be connect to an analog input
questionOption_2410A79F_325D_09AB_41A1_4B5104AC5444.text = Electrical power generating
questionOption_242104D6_325D_0FBD_41C3_B7FE8941EC97.text = In a PLC: a temperature sensor and the status of the breaker will be connected to an analog input
questionOption_24270A18_325D_7AB5_41BE_88E16888E858.text = Power distribution and control of the electrical components present in the installation
questionOption_24370A60_325E_FA95_41B2_B2E6F5ADF6ED.text = In a PLC: a temperature sensor will be connected to an analog input and the status of the breaker will be connect to the digital input
questionOption_243C27C8_325D_0995_41B7_AD22E830A983.text = In a PLC: a temperature sensor and the status of the breaker will be connected to a digital
questionOption_243C2B5B_325D_7AAB_41C2_3470BEB2BD7B.text = Monitoring electrical components
questionOption_24605E0A_325D_1A95_41B3_BEBC7BE180C9.text = Leave it like this and never touch it
questionOption_246CF7F4_3255_097D_41C0_7BFD2B35349E.text = The cable is old
questionOption_24E8E6DE_325D_0BAD_41C3_EB43BFFA1459.text = Install a protection isolated shield in front of the busbar & cable
questionOption_24FEA9A6_3255_199D_41B7_F6A2E0F9B521.text = Add a thermostat inside the panel to monitor the temperature
questionOption_250BEA3B_3255_1AEB_41B0_3D3BCB4F07A9.text = Do not use all the VFDs at the same time
questionOption_2516EFF6_3255_197D_4191_0E5D46B4743A.text = Make sure that the spacing between the VFDs is as per the supplier's recommendations
questionOption_251F0DAF_3255_19EB_41C2_4AC3E1BBFC36.text = Make sure that the air flow coming from the fans installed in the side of the panel is sufficient
questionOption_2533F19E_325D_09AD_41B3_EA6EB14DDB7C.text = Use special tools to touch the busbar
questionOption_254AA83A_3253_06F5_41BA_65322AA6F68A.text = There is a loose connection
questionOption_25736057_3255_06BB_41C2_3EE64FBF14C7.text = Introduce cable numbering and labeling
questionOption_2591F4B1_3255_0FF7_41B1_2E9130338BA8.text = Have a color coding to differentiate the phases and the voltage
questionOption_2598336B_3255_096B_41C0_51C740C910D8.text = Install cable ducts
questionOption_2A22C2F7_3253_0B7A_41AE_62D9D8E1DEF3.text = The quality of the cable is not good
questionOption_2ACC568B_3257_0BAB_41B0_41E03FFBC686.text = The VFD can control the motor speed at the starting of the motor
questionOption_2ADC598B_3257_79AB_41C5_2684FF93A9B6.text = The Soft Starter can control the motor speed at any time
questionOption_2AE33E39_3257_7AF7_41C0_6FA47E0F14B1.text = The Soft Starter cannot control the motor after arriving at full speed
questionOption_2AEDEC06_3257_7E9D_41AA_AC63BD5921DA.text = The VFD can accelerate and decelerate the motor at any time
questionOption_2AF06093_3257_07BB_4196_974C63E6FC2B.text = The VFD give more protection the motor than the Soft Starter
questionOption_2B0622E8_3257_0B95_41C7_26CE540DB480.text = The Soft Starter is a cheaper solution to resolve the high starting current
questionOption_2B1690C2_3253_0795_41A8_B2EBC38F282B.text = The load passing through the cable is greater than the maximum current of the cable.
questionOption_2C148845_32B3_069F_412A_C101539E13B4.text = Add another sheet to it
questionOption_2C7D20EE_324D_076D_41C8_77715B0ACA9A.text = The sesame seeds are deformed and the spiral conveyor rejects them.
questionOption_2C8EEF09_32B2_FA97_41BF_504AD34496B3.text = The next machine is running at a lower speed than the spiral conveyor
questionOption_2C9D8760_32BF_0A95_419F_D976FD2B1516.text = 4 - 6.3A
questionOption_2CA11CF9_32B2_FF77_4197_9A6B4541B8E3.text = The spiral conveyor vibrates and moves the seeds over the ground.
questionOption_2CB64D9F_3257_19AB_41AD_2C0FAC3FDAFB.text = It is anti-corrosive
questionOption_2CF35D7A_32B3_3975_41B4_C905410D5402.text = Bend its borders
questionOption_2CFDD9D4_32B3_39BD_41BE_E734751615EE.text = Replace it with another one heavier
questionOption_2D244E8E_3255_3BAA_418F_C143AA4FB748.text = The light emitted by the fixtures is better
questionOption_2D4CC0E5_3255_079F_41C7_C04E0AF1CB8A.text = It is much easier to clean the fixtures without removing them and maintain safety regulations
questionOption_2D560307_3255_0A9B_41BB_1FF012E18D23.text = They are fire resistant
questionOption_2D959511_324D_0EB7_41BD_CABD59AFC0E2.text = Leakage in the pipes
questionOption_2DAB3ADF_324D_1BAB_41C9_1C394F140AC9.text = The boiler heating the water is malfunctionning
questionOption_2DB6ADDF_324D_19AA_4187_42B301E7164C.text = The gauges need resetting
questionOption_2DC0FFE9_324D_1997_41BF_22B29DF50400.text = The quantity of sesame is much bigger
questionOption_2EC4ECF1_32BE_FF77_41C4_9AED86A63216.text = 6 -10A
questionOption_2ECCEA4E_32BE_FAAD_419C_3FB0043AD11D.text = 8 -12A
questionOption_2F07CC0E_32B5_1EAD_41C4_AFFF25FF6C0E.text = Safety, to avoid any work accident
questionOption_2F0D7EBC_32B3_1BED_417D_EF861F43DE03.text = Motor Bearing
questionOption_2F17CCE3_32BD_1F9B_4199_BB49DA518A8B.text = 1.1 A
questionOption_2F1D2E0E_32B7_1AAD_41AF_E8D25784ED53.text = Make it more asthectic
questionOption_2F272C94_32B7_1FBD_41A2_A9E55ADB787B.text = No function
questionOption_2F297ACE_32B7_1BAD_41C8_ECF1927727EC.text = Reduce the vibrations
questionOption_2F6EC818_32B7_06B5_41B7_AAB994393882.text = Strenghten the machine and give it balance
questionOption_2FD5F560_32B3_0E95_41C6_CF9639F0D2E3.text = All of the Above
questionOption_2FDE82A4_32B3_0B9D_41C7_04A8A12A1539.text = Misalignment of the shaft
questionOption_2FDEE7F4_32B5_097D_41BE_D86035D2CEDB.text = Heat exchange, avoids the heating of the machine
questionOption_2FE30393_32BD_09BB_41A6_CAB0AB95CE54.text = 3.65 A
questionOption_2FE77022_32B3_0695_419B_8105A9E099E6.text = Defective winding
questionOption_2FEAF176_32BD_097D_41BC_847B25AF1893.text = 3.31 A
questionOption_2FF22F2D_32B5_1AEF_41A8_3DA56FCBF3CA.text = Aesthetic, looks better this way
questionOption_2FF29FA4_32BD_199D_41B8_6FC0CFFED24D.text = 2.11 A
questionOption_2FFA6105_32B5_069F_41B8_E4476A768EB5.text = Monitoring without opening the door
questionOption_83C661A1_9F58_E3AA_41E2_8A4F938AE309.text = All of the above
### Qualification
calification_1A1746D6_324D_0BBD_41A7_22CD09D97A9E.text = Great
calification_1A1806D7_324D_0BBB_41B4_CFFF8C852971.text = Good
### Score Name
score1.label = Points
### Question
question_11D6AD28_3255_3E95_41C0_1845D3A66D40.title = Why are all materials made of galvanized steel?
question_1273B4F7_325F_0F7B_41B4_148DCEB699F8.title = The tahini is not filled correctly in the standard bottles, what could be the problems (select all that apply):
question_12A183B6_325D_09FD_41B4_545443A2609C.title = The circuit breaker is not installed correctly, what should you do?
question_1307F5A5_3255_099F_41C3_BDB1122069EA.title = In factories, the IP of the lighting fixtures must be IP65. Please indicate the reason for this:
question_1324F75E_325D_0AAD_41B9_D4D92FD42C6A.title = The mold is suddenly out of service. Who is the right technician to call to fix this problem?
question_136979B5_3255_19FF_41C5_23CDEF2473D3.title = Product Stuck in the mold. This occurs when the finished product does not separate from the mold parts. \
Usually, after a product has been molded, it sticks to the moving part of the mould and is removed using ejector pins when the mould is opened. When that does not happen, it could lead to broken ejector pins. How to solve it (select all that apply)?
question_16C6B461_3253_0E97_417C_2CF16E98C23A.title = Jetting is a type of deformation of the plastic product that can cause the part to become weak. It is caused by a sudden stream of molten material entering the mold and cooling faster than the rest of the material. How to solve it (select all that apply)?
question_21E37F9D_31B5_F9AF_4194_5B2B8BC20A7C.title = What type of auxiliary does an emergency stop button need to stop the system once it is pressed?
question_21EA51B8_31B7_09F5_41C5_EF0EBD70E251.title = What does HMI stand for ?
question_24AD2424_3255_0E9D_41C7_3C74964E5D50.title = At full working capacity, the panel's VFDs tripped and reported "overheating". What is the best maintenance procedure to ensure that the heat generated by the VFDs does not cause tripping (select all that apply):
question_250D6CFA_3255_1F75_41C6_D54E8AF22293.title = For easier maintenance of the electrical panel, what modifications should be made to the panel door?
question_25FE7AC9_3257_3B97_41C4_5A553FFD8B8C.title = Choose the correct statements: \
What is the difference between a VFD and a Soft Starter (select all that apply):
question_27C6A595_3255_09BF_41C8_BA0D0891E380.title = A burnt cable was noticed on a phase of a breaker, what is the reason (select all that apply):
question_27C76FF8_325D_1975_41C1_A991C29CC660.title = What is the correct Answer:
question_27D5912A_325D_0695_41B6_FC1D12ED47C8.title = The Electrical panel board is responsible for?
question_27F8EE56_325D_3ABD_41C3_F89188BC85B0.title = The connection between the cable and the main breaker is live and can cause an electric shock. What is the best safety measure?
question_2C06E8DA_32BD_07B5_41AF_2C5281CDE6B0.title = What should be the value of the current measured on each phase of the three-phase star-coupled pump motor under a 400V network if it is in good working order? (refer to the motor plate)
question_2C7BDE0A_324D_7A95_41C1_E41007FC4E64.title = The gauge indicates the temperature needed to toast the sesame seeds: \
A sudden drop in temperature in all gauges was noticed, what would cause this (select all that apply)?
question_2C9F8FAD_32B3_79EF_41BD_93888A348FA6.title = The blue motor at the bottom right makes a loud noise when it is running normally. What part of the motor is causing this noise?
question_2CC1E45E_32B7_0EAD_41A1_6F453A79D802.title = What is the function of the spring on the conveyor?
question_2CF9B099_32B3_07B7_41C7_342C4C2E0E73.title = The spiral conveyor transports the seeds to the next machine. We have noticed that a large amount of seeds fall on the ground. What is the reason for this?
question_2D21D547_32B5_0E9B_4194_CCFE79797939.title = A three-phase motor has a power of 5KW with a power factor of 0.8. What is the rating of the thermal protection relay to provide the best protection:
question_2F6F1312_32B5_0AB5_41B2_972D8ED33217.title = What is the purpose of the plexiglass installed on the door ?
question_2F80AA74_32B5_1B7D_41AB_B3A0998026C3.title = The seeds are stored in the large container to be dried. But the plate that holds them has broken. \
How can we strengthen the metal plate?
### Question Screen
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### Report Screen
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